Building a Great Escape
Dave believes becoming an OBP member is possibly “one of the best moves The Escape Room could have made.”

A gathering of tables
We’ve seen a lot of tables being made around the shop lately. A student just finished her first coffee table and she is beaming with tremendous pride, our river table classes have been a big hit with many being built as gift for others, one big dining room table was...

From Gifts to Goods: Maine Flag Company Member Profile
Sometimes, you simply can not find the perfect gift for someone. You might have the idea, but you just can't find it. In these cases making it yourself can be the only real answer. But then, what do you do when people love your gift so much, that they tell others and...

The cursed Phillips Screw…
When you take some time to look deeply at the world you can notice lots of interesting things. Phillips Screws, are everywhere and they really do deserve a closer look. How did they get EVERYWHERE? Why are they so easy to strip? Developed in 1930 by John P....

Falling back into the shop.
With Summer drawing to an end and fall approaching we are looking forward to seeing you back in the shop. Fall is a time for starting your projects and getting back into your routines. Setting aside some time for personal exploration is an important part of that...
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