The Science Behind the Fireworks

The Science Behind the Fireworks

Across the country, fireworks will begin this weekend to celebrate Independence Day.  There is bound to be a dazzling array of colors, patterns, and sounds in the night skies somewhere near you! Since their invention in the early 7th century in China, many people have...
Kids and Makerspaces

Kids and Makerspaces

Kids, makerspaces, science, technology, engineering, art, and math all go well together.  According to Remake Learning, makerspaces are popping up in schools, libraries, museums and unique spaces with much success.  Young people seem to naturally thrive when given...
Girls are STEAMing Ahead at OBP

Girls are STEAMing Ahead at OBP

The U.S. Department of Labor reports that women and minorities comprise 70 percent of college students, but less than 45 percent of STEAM degrees, with women making up only 26 percent of the computing workforce. This is a statistic that has essentially remained...