The cursed Phillips Screw…

The cursed Phillips Screw…

When you take some time to look deeply at the world you can notice lots of interesting things.  Phillips Screws, are everywhere and they really do deserve a closer look.  How did they get EVERYWHERE? Why are they so easy to strip? Developed in 1930 by John P....
Lasers and the Value of Speculation

Lasers and the Value of Speculation

Who Invented Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation? The extent of Albert Einstein’s ingenuity may never fully be realized, but we do know that aside from his theory of relativity, he laid the theoretical foundation for the invention of the laser...
Hacks in History

Hacks in History

Anonymous is gaining a lot of notoriety these days, appealing to people around the globe, as they mastermind hacks attacks against authorities in an effort to safeguard internet freedom in the public’s best interest. Though sometimes illegal and perhaps ethically...