by Jake Ryan | Nov 10, 2017 | Maine Makers, Membership, News, Open Bench Project
The time has come! It’s finally here! This Makerspace – The Open Bench Project – is now in a new place with our own space. We could not be more excited! Our new shop is at 971 Congress Street, Portland, Maine. We’re working on a new sign, but...
by Jake Ryan | Feb 29, 2016 | Human Interest, Membership
According to, there are studies that show eating together as a family provides tremendous benefits. While it’s often a luxury to all be in the same place at the same time with today’s busy lifestyles, the article definitely provided some food...
by Jason Ryan | Dec 14, 2013 | About, Membership, Resources
You can rent temporary space for a project or permanent space for your business. . . While anyone with an access pass can rent a cubby space to keep personal tools and small projects. We extend to our full time members the ability to apply for exclusive use of some...
by Jason Ryan | Dec 14, 2013 | Membership
If you are a local business, non-profit or educational institution interested in providing your employees with access to tools and workspace for projects contact us to learn more about institutional memberships.
by Jason Ryan | Dec 14, 2013 | Membership
Interested in using the Bench? We will have many options available to get you started. Unlimited Membership: 24/7 access Nights and Weekends: 4pm-10pm weekdays, 10am-10pm weekends Daytime only: 8am-4pm weekdays Weekend Warrior: 10am-10pm weekends Institutional...
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