A visit and a vision
Last week, I was lucky enough to give a tour of the space to a group of youths from a local school. They were off for a day of adventure visiting places and meeting "Self Made Makers". Frankly, I was flattered. We spoke at length about what we hope to accomplish at...
Kids in the Shop
A recent trip to the Nelson Metal Fabrication was a great experience for these two young Makers. As they walked in with their arms crossed and in their pockets you could feel them being anxious and defensive. However, "anxious" means to be both nervous and excited....

Additive Manufacturing
Additive Manufacturing Additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, is becoming more widely available just as desktop publishing did not too long ago. The most obvious and biggest difference between the two is the complexity one additional dimension brings. For those...

Electronics Lab
We are happy to help you explore embedded electronics applications in our lab. Whether you are a novice, hobbyist or expert we would like to work with you and see what you are doing to explore the world of electronics. We currently have soldering and de-soldering...

There has been a lot written lately about the value of tinkering on learning. I'm glad to see it as I hold this practice close to my own heart. As a youth I begged my parents to get me an expensive robot for Christmas one year. After much prodding my parents broke...
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