Take Your Makerspace Back to School
It’s that time of year – students and teachers are headed back to the classrooms. Are you ready and excited?! It’s officially time to study according to the calendar, but does one really need to wait for school to start to share wisdom or gain knowledge? In our...

Cricket Cookies & Camp; Summer Internships
Internships are immensely beneficial for students – an opportunity to gain experience, taste-test a live work environment, meet new people, and learn new skills. In the case of Theo Dean’s internship, The Open Bench Project could say the same about her! We were very...

Lasers and the Value of Speculation
Who Invented Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation? The extent of Albert Einstein’s ingenuity may never fully be realized, but we do know that aside from his theory of relativity, he laid the theoretical foundation for the invention of the laser in 1917. But, did he invent lasers?

Girls are STEAMing Ahead at OBP
The U.S. Department of Labor reports that women and minorities comprise 70 percent of college students, but less than 45 percent of STEAM degrees, with women making up only 26 percent of the computing workforce. This is a statistic that has essentially remained...

Starting Points at The OBP
Let’s explore ideas, hone and learn new skills, and collaborate with thought partners across disciplines.
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