Drone Chain: Installing the Landing Gear
At our meeting on Tuesday, we successfully installed the main Landing Gear and the Nose Gear on to the air-frame. We ran into a couple of small problems, which were quickly and easily resolved. The screws for the landing gear were slightly long, so Larry cut them and...

Drone Chain: Building the Landing Gear
Progress on the Drone Chain…

Five Tips for Product Development
“You know what someone should make…” If you’ve ever said that, you might just be onto a successful product development opportunity. Today there exists the opportunity for anyone to be a product developer and perhaps launch a successful business around it. The...

Finding the path…
“We all want to go the right way.” On the surface this statement seems obviously true. So let’s break it down a bit… We can think of this as two separate ideas. “…The right way”, this is by far the trickiest part of the statement because it needs a little...

Leaving the comfort zone
The Comfort Zone: Here we are half way through the first month of 2015. Did you make a resolution? Have you stuck to it? While the tradition of the New Year’s resolution has been around for about 4000 years, today, for the most part, people are not following through...
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