

Open Bench Project: Portland

Our makerspace provides members with access to studio/work space, tools and community, as well as discounts on classes and supplies. We help people bring their ideas into reality by encouraging critical thinking and fostering confidence in a curious, supportive environment. Become a member today.




“I can’t imagine losing my membership. I’ve just had so many opportunities come through here for my business.”

“7500 square feet of awesomeosity. A maker space extraordinaire. I love this place.”

“Is it wrong that I never wanted to leave?”

“Open Bench has been SO important to me in my journey to America.”

“AWESOME location and resource. Looking forward to seeing how we can integrate that resource in our school…”

“Open Bench was a great space to “mess about”.

“OBP was the perfect place…a makers dream. You couldn’t hurt the place.”



Cricket Cookies & Camp; Summer Internships

Cricket Cookies & Camp; Summer Internships

Internships are immensely beneficial for students – an opportunity to gain experience, taste-test a live work environment, meet new people, and learn new skills. In the case of Theo Dean’s internship, The Open Bench Project could say the same about her! We were very...

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Lasers and the Value of Speculation

Lasers and the Value of Speculation

Who Invented Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation? The extent of Albert Einstein’s ingenuity may never fully be realized, but we do know that aside from his theory of relativity, he laid the theoretical foundation for the invention of the laser in 1917. But, did he invent lasers?

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Girls are STEAMing Ahead at OBP

Girls are STEAMing Ahead at OBP

The U.S. Department of Labor reports that women and minorities comprise 70 percent of college students, but less than 45 percent of STEAM degrees, with women making up only 26 percent of the computing workforce. This is a statistic that has essentially remained...

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Are you interested in making a group reservation, reserving studio or shelf space or inquiring about discounts available to our members? Perhaps you just want to ask us a question. Just drop us a line or drop by. We would be happy to hear from you.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Message

    971 Congress Street Portland ME, 04103
    (207) 329-8606 • info@obportland.org

    A map to the Open Bench Project, Portland, Maine

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